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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Rumor about Dennis Hastert molesting a puppy

There is a rumor flying around the internet that house speaker Dennis Hastert molested a puppy. Nobody seems to know what really happened and who was involved. Please help get to the bottom of this by posting this rumor in as many places as possible.

Hastert - "I'm saying I don't know...I'm saying we don't know."

Locusts & Republicans

A swarm of locusts appears in Senegal during the Republican convention in New York. Coincidence? Hope you all are stocked up on non-perishables ;)

When Cats & Dogs hang out

Dog gives birth to a cute little kitten...

Monday, August 30, 2004

Anything for a butt

Frustrated chimp takes up smoking
Sexual frustration has driven a
mild-mannered chimpanzee to take up
smoking and spitting, according to
China's Xinhua news agency.

Feili, 13, has turned from a "gentle girl" into a "shrew", said Liu Bing, the director of her zoo in Zhengzhou, central Henan province. Mr Liu said Feili's partner at the zoo was 28 years her senior, and was unable "to meet her sexual demands". Feili was not addicted to nicotine, he said, but was just imitating tourists. However, she does appear to be quite keen on smoking - and has been known to resort to desperate measures to get what she wants. Xinhua reported that Feili became excited when she saw a visitor light up a cigarette, and grew impatient when they showed no sign of giving it to her. It quoted one boy visiting the zoo as saying: "Just now a tourist threw a cigarette butt to just outside the cage - she tried to get the butt with a stick."

Friday, August 27, 2004

old masters?

Pooter will like this one from Collision Detection.

"A year ago, I blogged about David Hockney's controversial book -- which argues that the secret behind the explosion of realism in the Renaissance was the camera obscura. Hockney thinks the old masters were using cameras obscura to project their subjects onto canvases, and then traced them from life. "

Doctors grow new jaw in man's back

CNN story

LONDON, England (AP) -- A
German who had his lower jaw cut
out because of cancer has enjoyed
his first meal in nine years -- a
bratwurst sandwich -- after surgeons
grew a new jaw bone in his back
muscle and transplanted it to his
mouth in what experts call an
"ambitious'' experiment.

Skippy died? When?

I've long predicted that some time after I die there will be a story in the paper similar to this one.

Man lay dead in bed for two years...Condo fees and bills were still being paid...
"They knocked on his door and he didn't answer," she said. "You assume he isn't home. You certainly don't assume he's dead." Body finally found in mummified state

Thursday, August 26, 2004

horticulturally challenged

-- from the Houston Chronicle
"Evidently, some well-meaning but horticulturally challenged citizen turned Davis in. Davis said the team of narcotics officers combed his house for about an hour, at one point discussing whether red and gold bamboo growing in his window might be marijuana. They also asked what he did with the watermelons and cantaloupes growing in his back yard."..."No apology, no nothing," Davis said. "I realize they have a job to do, but this seems a little bizarre."

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A Sharp Tongue Part 2

A follow up 2 an earlier post about the 16 year old Iranian girl who was hanged for "having a sharp tongue".

In this story a judge in the US ordered a 14 year old American boy to stand trial as an adult. Granted the crime in this case is a double murder, but the boy is 14.

"Aug 14, 2004...CINCINNATI -- A Hamilton County Judge says a 14-year-old boy charged with killing two men will be tried as an adult...Ohio law states that 14 is the youngest age a juvenile can be tried as an adult. "

Monday, August 23, 2004

The ultimate buzz kill

A fun story in MDM about Carrie Nation and the birth of prohibition in the US.

"Carrie was about as lovable as a flak jacket filled with raw sausage."

The story.

A sharp tongue

Apparently tolerance, civility and common sense are as pervasive in the Muslim world as they are in the US.

Girl, 16, hanged in public in Iran Fri. 20 Aug 2004 Iran Focus

On Sunday, August 15, a 16-year-old girl in the town of Neka, northern Iran, was executed. Ateqeh Sahaleh was hanged in public on Simetry Street off Rah Ahan Street at the city center.

The sentence was issued by the head of Neka’s Justice Department and subsequently upheld by the mullahs’ Supreme Court and carried out with the approval of Judiciary Chief Mahmoud Shahroudi.

In her summary trial, the teenage victim did not have any lawyer and efforts by her family to recruit a lawyer was to no avail. Ateqeh personally defended herself. She told the religious judge, Haji Rezaii, that he should punish the main perpetrators of moral corruption not the victims.

The judge personally pursued Ateqeh’s death sentence, beyond all normal procedures and finally gained the approval of the Supreme Court. After her execution Rezai said her punishment was not execution but he had her executed for her “sharp tongue”.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Woman molecularly bonds with sofa

"Man, this is just about the most revolting thing I've heard in a long time. Apparently a 480-pound woman in Florida was so huge sat down on her sofa and did not get up again -- for six years. During that time, she continued to eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. When she finally got mortally sick, hospital workers were finally called to take her to the hospital.

And that's when they discovered that her skin had fused to the sofa material. According to the Palm Beach Post:" - From a Collision Detection story

Mysterious Wooden Structure Causing Olympic Jitters

Olympic security officials in Athens, Greece conceded today that they
had failed to notice a giant wooden horse that had been wheeled to
within meters of the Olympic stadium sometime late last night.

The sudden appearance of the gigantic horse, which was said to measure
over one hundred cubits in width, has raised fresh concerns that the
security around the Olympic complex might be more porous than originally

"When you're spending over $1.5 billion in security, quite frankly,
somebody shouldn't be able to wheel a giant wooden horse right up to
your stadium," said one U.S. official today.

But Thanasis Kyriakou, who is coordinating the security efforts for the
2004 Olympics, said that the horse, while of unknown origin, posed no
serious security threat to the Games.

"If anything, this gigantic horse is only bringing more attention to the
Olympics," he said. "I see this horse as a tremendous gift."

Sharply disagreeing with Mr. Kyriakou is NBC Sports Chairman Dick
Ebersol, who said that the unplanned presence of a gigantic horse could
ruin his network's coverage of the Games.

"It's wrecking all of our camera angles," Mr. Ebersol said. "Everywhere
you look, there's that dopey horse in the background."

For his part, Mr. Kyriakou believes that the enormous horse could
enhance viewership of the Olympics and has even recommended wheeling the
mysterious wooden structure into the stadium itself.

"I say let the horse in," he said. "What's the worst that could happen?"

Dangerous reading material

When some guy tried to board a ferry in NJ security tried to take a book out of his bag for "safety" reasons. The story.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Nice going Sherlock

Relatives of a missing Denver woman claim they found her body five minutes after being allowed back into her burned-out house that police had been investigating for a month.


An Argentine artist is selling sculptures made out of her own fat which was taken out during a liposuction.

Stupid people

A Louisiana man who went up to police to chat about stupid criminals was himself arrested when the officer noticed marijuana sticking out of his pocket.


Straight from the ass's mouth...

The US President said: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Thanks for the heads up dumbass.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Religious Freedom?

Woman Fired For Eating 'Unclean' Meat...
A Central Florida woman was fired from her job after eating "unclean" meat and violating a reported company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises...Lina Morales was hired as an administrative assistant at Rising Star -- a Central Florida telecommunications company with strong Muslim ties...Morales, who is Catholic, was warned about eating pizza with meat the Muslim faith considered "unclean," ... She was then fired for eating a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, according to the report.

Full Report

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Oil rises to $44 as Doom3 released

Reports are the price of oil has risen to $44 a barrel based on expectations that demand will rise as consumers journey far and wide in search of a copy of the much anticipated video game Doom3. Think $44 is high? You ain't seen nothin yet! When the new Duke3d is released oil might hit $50.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Another Inconvenient Study

The prohibitionists at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation probably have their panties in a bunch over the British study which claims to show that moderate drinkers are, in so many words, smarter on average than teetotallers. Chances are good the Iowa City city council will NOT enter this information into the record the next time they convene to consider further restrictions on alchohol sales.

"Research to be published tomorrow by academics at University College London has found that those who even drink only one glass of wine a week have significantly sharper thought processes than teetotallers.

The benefits of alcohol, which are thought to be linked to its effect on the flow of blood to the brain, can be detected when a person drinks up to 30 units of alcohol - about four to five bottles of wine - per week."

Another successful government program

Tama Starr decribes getting her company certified as a "Woman Owned Business" in order to compete for the 18% of contracts reserved for WOBs.

from the article:
In 1997 women owned 10.1 million American businesses (up from 6.4 million in 1992), or 46 percent (up from a third) of all domestic firms.

I asked my assistant to call me a cab. "I’m taking a limo to Park Avenue," I told her, "to get us approved as oppressed persons." She rolled her eyes.

I knew I was a fraud, participating in a charade for which Adam Smith should have ordered the whole lot of us taken out and shot.

Tama Starr is CEO of the Artkraft Strauss Sign Corporation in New York City. Her latest book is Signs and Wonders: The Spectacular Marketing of America (Doubleday/Currency).