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Monday, July 11, 2005

Prison wine

Check out blog post about making prison wine. Complete with pictures.

A sample:

First we sampled the red prison wine. It was sour, but certainly not terrible. And the good news was it was definitely wine... like... ish. It was surprisingly dry. All the sugar was gone. Then again, if you were sugar, would you have stayed in that shitty-ass garbage bag?

We were all pleasantly surprised.

Regarding Red Prison Wine

Anthony: "I would drink this in prison."

Steve: "I would drink this in high school!"

Then there was the "white" wine. This one's aroma was slightly more earthy. Do you know that smell of grass right after it's cut? That's nice. I was just making chit-chat, because this smelled like rotten eggs tucked into the anus of a dead cat.


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