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Monday, April 26, 2004

Mars Society Promotes Human Colony

The Mars Society is generating interest in the idea of a human colony on the red planet by using demonstration projects built in the most remote and inhospitable corners of the Earth. "We think giving people a true feel for what it might be like to live on Mars will get them excited about the possibilities" said one researcher at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. "I mean look at this place... who wouldn't want to raise a family in this environment" added another researcher as she gestured at the surrounding barren red soil baking in 120F stagnant air under a full frontal attack by a blazing sun. "Just think about how little rain this place gets, then consider it hasn't rained on Mars for millions of years....." she added just before stopping to yank the helmet off her space suit. "Damn it! Another defective oxygen bottle! Hey Reuben, when you go into town pick me up some spares, ok?"