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Friday, April 29, 2005

Computer monitor cleaner

The majority of computer users have figured out how to wipe the dust off the exterior of their monitor screen. However many are baffled as to how to get to the dust that collects on the inside of the screen. This web site offers a solution.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

How big is Jesus?

Another blogger calculates the mass of Jesus...

"I've been thinking about transubstantiation, the belief of many branches of Christianity that when you take communion, the bread and wine transform physically into the flesh and blood of Christ. According to the Catholic Church as late as 1965, this is literally true, not just symbolism: the flesh is present, the bread is gone. So let's run some numbers..." Jesus calculations

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Dog with no legs

- Where Do You Find a Dog With No Legs?
Right Where You Left Him.

- Why Don't Blind People Like To Sky Dive?
Because It Scares The Dog.

- What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work?
A Stick

- What Do You Call Santa's Helpers?
Subordinate Clauses.

Some new jokes at RSR Humor

Helicopter Flying Game

This online game is a nice diversion. It works through Internet Explorer so no install, etc. is required. Flying Game

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Here is an online game you can use to test your typing skills.

Check out Processing, a programming language for the multimedia crowd.

Friday, April 15, 2005

slime-mold beetle

Show some respect for the president...

"ITHACA, New York (AP) -- Not just
anybody can say he has a
slime-mold beetle named in his
honor. But George W. Bush, Dick
Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld

Entomologists Quentin Wheeler and
Kelly B. Miller, who recently had the
task of naming 65 newly discovered
species of slime-mold beetles, named
three species after the president, vice
president and defense secretary.

The monikers: Agathidium bushi Miller
and Wheeler, Agathidium cheneyi Miller
and Wheeler, and Agathidium rumsfeldi
Miller and Wheeler."

Thursday, April 14, 2005

"The end to all Disease"

If their catalog of proven technology doesn't satisfy you the geniuses at Future Horizons have the temerity to title a web page "strange science". BTW the folks at FH have a new buddy at Radionics Magic.

A few gems from the Future Horizons web site:

"What if someone invented a machine that could cure virtually any disease and was affordable to buy and easy to use? ... Well this machine does exist and has been around for decades! " medicine machine
- Yeah, but can it cure a hangover?

The all time favorite Time Machine.
- You go first!

Oh, and they have a cool UFO detector too.
- xenophobe

And the ever popular "plasma sabers".
- "looks amazingly similar to the real thing"! Enough said.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Who Says Men Aren't Sensitive!

A woman meets a gorgeous man in a bar.
They talk, they connect, they end up leaving together.
They go back to his place, and as he shows her around his apartment, she notices that his bedroom is completely packed with sweet cuddly teddy bears. Hundreds of cute small bears on a shelf all the way along the floor. Cuddly medium sized ones on a shelf a little higher. Huge enormous bears on the top shelf along the wall.
The woman is surprised that this guy would have a collection of teddy bears, especially one that's so extensive, but she decides not to mention this to him, and actually is quite impressed by this evidence of his sensitive side! She turns to him, invitingly... they kiss... and then they rip each other's clothes off and make hot steamy love.
After she has this intense night of passion with this sensitive guy, and they are lying there together in the afterglow, the woman rolls over and asks, smiling, "Well, how was it for you?"
The guy yawns, "Help yourself to any prize from the bottom shelf."

Friday, April 01, 2005

High tech theives hit ATMs.


"Next time you use a bank machine, check closely to make sure it's the real thing. Cops in San Francisco report that thieves are now installing fake overlays on banking ATMs. The fakes swallow your card, record your PIN, and report that they're out of service; the thieves show up later to remove the fake overlay and harvest the cards and collected PINs."