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Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Alien posted something from "". Some of the video game and movie reviews are very funny.

One of the best video game reviews on the net:
Sims2 review
"I decided to set up shop in Veronaville. My logic was that it's good fun to murder various generic Sims in Pleasantville so it should be a whole lot more fun to kill characters from Shakespeare. I entered the gingerbread hamlet of Veronaville and set about the task of creating the family that I would be wedging between the Capulet and Montague clans."

In reference to a "Beta" version of someone's software:
"Just because you call something beta doesn't excuse it for being a pile of shit."
"Pain Level: Having a child's swingset shoved up your rectum and then ultimately the child."


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