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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Disinvited to the Party

RSR has no opinion on Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, but if this editorial is at least a bit accurate Americans should think again about voting for either major party. Unless of course you like pork.

"When Congress adjourns this year, Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (search),
R-Ill., will retire after just one term. He’s retiring because his own party
has turned on him and promised to run a primary candidate against
him. That’s because this particular senator decided that while he was in
office he’d be his own man and vote his own conscience. He wouldn’t be
a lackey for his party, he wouldn’t vote pork home to his state, and he
wouldn’t do what the special interests who run his party told him to
do. And that got him into trouble.
Fitzgerald’s crowning achievement in his brief career was his opposition
to the federalization of a planned expansion of Chicago’s O’Hare
International Airport (search).
He was the only
senator in the U.S. Congress to vote against the $15 billion airline bailout,
Fitzgerald then refused sign a letter written by the Illinois’ congressional
delegation to President Bush, which requested the White House’s help in
securing federal dollars (read: pork) for the state. Fitzgerald infuriated his
colleagues when he wrote in a reply, “the mere fact that a project is
located somewhere in Illinois does not mean that it is inherently
meritorious and necessarily worthy of support.”
- By Radley Balko, Fox News


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