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Monday, June 28, 2004

Your papers citizen!

Larry Dudley Hiibel lost his case before the US Supreme Court. Americans are now required to show their papers on demand. So much for the right to remain silent.
Hiibel's response to the Court's decision:
I don't have a superclear understanding of the Constitution. I'm not an attorney. I've never even read the whole thing. I went through only eighth grade. But I remember what I learned, and it seems to me that the whole idea of "your papers, please" goes completely against the grain of the American people.
As I understood it, the state was supposed to serve us - we aren't supposed to serve the state. Laws were supposed to protect the people against the government, not the other way around.
I'm very disappointed by this decision. I think a basic freedom has been lost. What bothers me the most is that my children and grandchildren are going to have to live with this law. It moves us a step closer to control of the people by the government, and I don't think that's a step forward.


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